
Treasurer Jobs


  • Class Lists – coordinate with teachers for their class lists and assemble a master list of all current students for Fundraising. Sort by Grade – to include full name and Student Number. This has previously been done by me (as President and Treasurer) – but it should probably be done by Fundraising or a volunteer. Search This PC>Documents>AMA>2017-2018>Class Lists for example.
  • Uniforms – coordinate with AMA volunteer who places order for Senior Band/Choir Henkaa dresses and ties to negotiate best price, place order, receive payment from students and make payment to Henkaa. Sheila Balzer has been point person in past and she has often paid by credit card to facilitate quick order and delivery. We reimburse her.
  • AMA AGM – usually at the end of September. Present Financial Statements (fiscal year end Aug 31) at the AGM & provide report of past year, and plans for coming year.



  • Blueshore – After AGM, Secretary files Annual Report at BC Registry noting any changes in the Executive. She then sends a letter to Blueshore to notify them of the change in signing officers. New signatories need to go to Blueshore to create a profile and be added to the list.
  • Signing Authorities – Our new articles call for 2 signatories for amounts <$5,000 and 3 signatories for amounts over $5,000.
  • Cabaret – pay deposit for Mulgrave – contract to be agreed and signed by Frances.



  • Fall Fundraiser – biggest Fundraiser of the year – coordinate with Fundraising Chair for payments for goods, and receipt of payments from students. Allocate profits in December.
  • Fundraisers – Magazine sales through QSP can be done by students all year round. We have a QSP account which we can log into to see what sales have taken place. We pay students the profits earned at 30% of their sales. I normally do this twice a year at the end of Dec and Jun. The Fundraising Chair also has this info and will usually combine sales to the end of Dec as part of the profit allocation. We do the Jun one separately.
  • Fundraisers – Other fundraisers that offer students year round fundraising are Two Rivers Meats and SPUD – Fundraising Chair incorporates these fundraisers in her Fall/Spring summary for profit allocation.
  • Winter/Christmas Concerts – get info about AMA finances into Cool Notes prior to concerts. Concert Coordinators give you donations for deposit to the Bank – they will provide you with a cash count receipt signed by two people.


  • Senior Christmas Concert – volunteer needed to rent 20’ U-Haul truck on the day of the concert to transport risers and instruments to St. Andrew’s Wesley. Truck needed in the morning. Drive to St. Andrew’s in afternoon. Then load up after the concert to drive back to Argyle to park in the lock-up (back truck up to the band room door), and return to U-Haul the next day after unloading.
  • Senior Christmas Concert – also requires cash boxes with float, and Square Payment devices to collect donations. Entry is a flat $10 per person. Note that we need to make over $2,000 in order to pay for the church and the U-Haul. The school pays for the church upfront and collects from us at the end of the year.



  • General Meeting – around the end of January. Treasurer provides interim financial report.
  • International Tour Payments – on the same night of the GM there is usually a Tour meeting. On even years (e.g. 2018) it is the International Tour. We pay out to Grade 11 and 12 students all the money in their Fundraising Account. In 2018 the total was about $30K. Cheques need to be ready for distribution to students on the night. Teachers arrange to hand out the cheques and they get signatures confirming receipt.
  • Banff Tour Payments – on odd years (e.g. 2019) it is the Banff Tour. We pay out to Grade 12 students all the funds in their fundraising accounts. If other (not Gr 12) students want to get their funds they need to wait till after the tour is completed to request the funds. They must fill out a form which is on the AMA website & submit to you.
  • Grade 9 Vernon Tour – parents need to complete the request for payment form – see above.
  • Bursaries – The AMA makes available up to the full amount of the Vernon Tour and 50% of the Banff Tour on the recommendation of the teachers. The teachers tell us how many bursaries they recommend (without disclosing the students’ names) – and we make a cheque out to Argyle Music. AMA Executive have a say as to how much we give out, but we generally give out what the teachers recommend, subject to availability of funds. Usually 2-4 Vernon, 1-2 Banff. Bursaries are not available for the International Tour.
  • Cabaret Planning – usually starts after Christmas. Treasurer provides guidance on budget and is part of the Planning Committee. There is an Excel spreadsheet with historical info.



  • Spring Fundraiser – happens by Spring Break – usually focussed on Purdy’s and smaller than the Fall Fundraiser.



  • Spring Choral Concert – at Mt Seymour United. Usually a big money earner for us – over $1,000 in donations. AMA pays for the venue rental – same arrangement as with St. Andrew’s.


  • Cabaret Reimbursements – Treasurer makes out reimbursement cheques for Food, Decorations, Bar, Mulgrave, U-Haul Truck etc. We also pay the stage manager and sound tech.
  • Cabaret Tech Costs – be sure to check with Frances what we agree to pay Adam Kriz for DVD recording – we usually pay him and two alumni students a $150 honorarium, but in 2018 Adam presented us with a $1,000 bill for equipment rental after the fact. I have made clear that this must not happen without our prior approval.
  • Cabaret Ticket Sales – we use SimpleTx for online ticket sales for which there is a fee. This has been done by Brett Johnson, our Web/Tech guru. Square processes the payments and they charge around 3%.
  • Cabaret Revenues – we need float & cash boxes for mystery prizes and silent auction. Treasurer is responsible for taking payment for the Silent Auction at the end of the night. Square Payment for Silent Auction is really important. Brett Johnson is our key man for Square.
  • Scholarship Committee – needs to be struck immediately after Cabaret – need three parents. We pay for snacks and dinner. Once the Scholarships have been decided, Treasurer makes out the cheques to the recipients. Someone (me for the last 4 years) makes out the certificates to accompany the cheques. These need to be put into envelopes and given to Ms Malone early in the week of grad. Busy time as this always coincides with the Final Concerts. Volunteers need to be found to attend grad to hand out the scholarships.
  • AMA General Meeting – Final GM of the year. Present Interim Statements. Executive identifies new Executive Members for election in September AGM.



  • Argyle Music – settle with Doug Peake – Office Admin re: any payments owing (usually St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert and Mt. Seymour United Spring Choral Concert).
  • QSP – check to see if any profit allocation needed for Jan-Jun. Checked – nothing for the 2018 period.


Other matters


Our articles now call for an Audit every two years and when there is a changeover in Treasurer. We will need to engage someone this Fall.

We may want to get her advice on how to close accounts of students who have left Argyle but still have funds in their Fundraising Account. We have in the past put these funds into our operating account, but we earmark these funds for bursaries. I have not closed any accounts – most departed student accounts are zero, but I think there may now be a few with funds remaining.



Teacher Wishlist

We get requests from teachers from time to time for “wish list” items such as sound boards, mikes, speakers, cabling, musical instruments. We also get ad hoc requests for funding to help out with costs for clinicians, or participation in events such as the Cap Choral Intensive. The executive has struggled with the urgent ad hoc nature of these requests, and also to make sure that they are reasonable and if approved, that they are equitable between band and choir. We have encouraged the teachers to anticipate these needs so that we are not always reacting to requests. This should be an item for discussion at next Executive Meeting.

In 2017-18 we paid out funds for the Cap Choral Intensive, a band clinic and the Marimba. As we have ended the year with a healthy balance in the operating account, and surplus income, we may wish to add to the GICs that are set aside for capital costs for the new school (approx $15K in GICs already). We are not supposed to make a profit as a society. I would recommend a further $5,000 GIC.