Sun Peaks Pre Trip Meeting – Tonight at 6PM (Online!)

April 3, 2023 Off By Argyle Info

Hello everyone,

Reminder that the Sun Peaks Pre-Trip Meeting is scheduled for tonight at 6PM (online) through Teams.

Please check you email for the event link.

The link has now been set so everyone can access, and we will take attendance in the form of a event response instead during the meeting.

Please note that attendance to pre-trip meetings are a district requirement for any overnight trips. Either the student or parent/guardian/caretaker must attend (preferably both). The meeting will cover information such as the itinerary, travel details, and tour expectations. It is expected that students will follow the code of conduct and behavioural expectations discussed at the meeting tonight.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Looking forward to “seeing you” at the online event tonight.

Ms Chan
