Sun Peaks Pre-Trip Meeting – “Live” online!
Hello everyone,
This is a reminder that there is a Sun Peaks (Con Brio) Pre-Trip meeting scheduled for Monday, Apr 3, at 6PM as indicated on the Informed Consent package.
We recognize that attending meetings in person outside school hours may be challenging for some, and have opted to present an ONLINE live meeting to maximize attendance rate. Please note that attendance to the pre-trip meeting is mandatory. The live meeting is also set so that participants require their SD44 sign in to attend the meeting. This is for us to record who has attended the meeting.
Either a parent / guardian / caretaker or the student (preferably both) must be present at the live meeting. The other party may be asked to review the recording and documents after the event.
The meeting link will be sent in an email.
If there are issues related to attending the online pre-trip meeting next Monday at 6PM, please let me know as soon as possible.
I have heard that many students are excited about the upcoming trip and look forward to taking this time to prepare you for the events coming up!
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.
Ms Chan