Get ready for more exciting performances!

February 6, 2023 Off By Argyle Info
Dear Argyle music students, parents, and legal guardians.

It’s with excitement that I welcome you to this wonderful new semester, a time for new courses, new music, and new beginnings. Please read the following important updates about choir and strings, and a special note for previous singers who have completed Concert Choir in the fall.
As a new semester begins, I would like to remind students and families that unlike a sports team and/or club, participating within the music department’s ensembles counts as a course wherein students receive a grade, credit, and in some cases, fulfil requirements to attend post-secondary institutions. Excusable absences must be coordinated with the front office ahead of time, and a note must be provided to the instructor regarding the reason. Although this course is scheduled outside of the timetable, the same rules apply for any class as per the school’s attendance policy.
The performance schedule and important dates will be posted to MS teams this week, and are available at the bottom of this email. Any scheduling conflicts must be addressed immediately with the instructor.
*We are currently seeking jugs, large glass bottles, and glass containers for a special piece of music​** Please ask your child to bring them to Mr.Clements and ensure to remove any labels.
Chamber choir:
Chamber choir rehearsals are well underway, still on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch, with Wednesday rehearsals until 4:45 PM after school.
Edmonton fees are past due. Please ensure your fees have been paid.
There will be a pre-trip meeting on the evening of Wednesday February 22nd at 8PM in the bandroom that is mandatory if your child is joining us on this trip (One parent/legal guardian per family OK in addition to the singer).
Vocal Jazz:
Course outlines have been handed out for the semester. We are seeking one parent chaperone for our Vocal Intensive Day at Capilano University on April 1st – 8:30am until 5:30pm. Please contact Mr Clements asap at
Congratulations to a great performance at Seylynn Strings! Rehearsals will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays afterschool until 4:30 starting Tuesday February 7th.
Concert Choir: (Previous Students)
Are you already missing choir now that concert choir is over? Wondering what are you going to do with your life and free time? Guess what! Every Wednesday at lunch starting this week is CANDOR... Argyle’s newest ensemble. This ensemble is for students seeking an opportunity to sing, who could not participate in a course for semester two, or simply can’t get enough choir. No experience necessary. Bring your friends!
Important Dates:
  • FEB 16 : Elementary School Tour with the Chamber Choir and Vocal Jazz Ensembles (Field Trip During School Hours) 
  • MAR 7Special Guest Clinician Workshop at Argyle (During School Hours) 
  • APR 1 : CAP U Vocal Jazz Intensive for Vocal Jazz Ensemble (Field Trip Outside School Hours) at the Blueshore Centre for the Performing Arts  *Book off the day 
  • APR 16-19 : Senior trip to EDMONTON
  • MAY 26 : Argyle Cabaret Night (Afterschool) at Argyle for Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Chamber Choir *Book off your afternoon/evening 
  • JUN 13 : Year-End Concert and Awards at Argyle for ALL music students (Strings/Choirs/Bands) *Book off your afternoon/evening 

As always, feel free to reach out if you have any concerns or questions!


Mr. Clements