District Jazz Festival – Feb 11

January 12, 2023 Off By Argyle Info

Hi students & families,

I have been talking about the upcoming District Jazz Festival with our students (it’s also printed on the school calendar), but a student just pointed out I haven’t sent home any formal communications regarding the event! My apologies – it’s been a busy return this January!

The North Vancouver Schools Jazz Festival is schedule for Saturday, Feb 11, 2023. The original host site was Argyle Secondary, but due to the flooding in the gym, we have opted to move the event to Carson Graham Secondary School. The event will run from 9AM – 3PM – it will be a day of learning, sharing, and celebrating with other music students across the district!

Lunch will be provided for students – I will confirm details with students at a later date.

Please mark the date! With the changes, we are looking at whether we can make the event open to public. I will provide information as soon as I know.

Thank you,
Ms Chan