October 16, 2023 Off By Argyle Info

Dear families of Argyle Musicians,


Action required: If your child is planning on attending the senior trip to California, please fill out this >> online survey << ASAP due on October 30th.


A friendly reminder that the paperwork is due for our senior trip to California (May 18th-22nd) also at the end of the month. If you are in the process of updating your passport, please hand in the rest of the paperwork as it is ready.


Students have received a packet detailing everything concerning of the trip, and have forms that must be returned including a checklist. Payment plans are already underway on school cash online, with a payment due on the first of every month (starting from October). The AMA is able to provide bursaries for those who face significant barriers towards attending the trip. Please contact your instructor for further information.


Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns,


Will Clements & Andrew Smith,