Argyle Junior Music Tour – Action Items!
Hello everyone,
Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting today. If you missed the meeting today, I have included the PowerPoint shared, which includes a brief itinerary and next steps for the participant.
If you missed the meeting today and would like to go on the Junior Music tour, please come and pick up a tour package from the band room next week (It will be best to send me an email or message or Teams so I know you are needing a package).
In the meantime, please take a moment to fill in form on expression of interest. Please discuss participation with the family and only indicate “Yes” if you are going on the trip. The numbers will be used to secure booking for the tour.
As mentioned at the meeting today, insurance for the Sun Peaks trip is optional as it is in province. The travel agency we are booking with have two optional insurance packages for families to consider. More information on the two insurance packages are on the last page of the attached document. If you wish to purchase the insurance, it will be added to the tour cost. We will also need to collect the student’s date of birth at this time (Information collected on the form above).
Please return the online form as soon as possible. Paper forms need to be collected prior to trip departure – the online form will let me know which students need to hand in the forms!
Next week, an online payment will also be set up through School Cash Online. The payment will go to all students – if you are not participating on the trip, please disregard the payment and we will remove it once we know which students are participating. I will send more information regarding payment next week when the School Cash Online payment has been set up. At this time, I would like to repeat what was shared in the meeting and mention that we do not want any student to miss the opportunity to tour due to financial challenges. There a limited number of bursaries available through the Argyle Music Association (AMA). Please contact me directly to ask about the bursary if your family is in a position where financial constraints are the only reason deterring participation.
I am very excited to be travelling with our students again! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms Chan